I am really excited to tell you about the Wellness Family Summit coming up this October 13-19, 2014. Why? I hardly know where to begin. But if there was ever one simple thing you could do to help your health and the health of your children, watching this summit has to be it!
First, I love the concept of a Family Wellness Summit. So many health decisions we as parents make affect not only ourselves, but our children and their future children, as well. Since this is true, why not become more intentional about these decisions?
The way of thinking with which I grew up was “Have a pain? Pop a pill!” It may sometimes seem to work in the short run, but more often than not the “magic pill” solutions barely work at all. And many cause both short and long term side effects. Extremely short sighted.
I find that the more of a long-term view I take about health, the more it makes sense. So what could be better than thinking not only of my future health, but the health of my children and grandchildren? That is what this summit is designed to do.
They've got their juris--what right?! Jurisdictions. The creators of this summit understand that better health starts with the family. Not the government. Not the government schools, which teach that processed foods are good, and often don’t even allow food made from scratch from home anymore. Not big businesses, or charities, or other people’s families (like the Gates Foundation). The family. God created the family as the primary place to nurture children. Parents are the ones who have the biggest impact on most children. So a wellness summit aimed at parents--perfect!
What could be better than a health summit with a multi-generational vision, aimed at families?
That’s right. The Wellness Family Summit is an opportunity to see free video interviews with top health experts, (four per day!) discuss practical, real-life ways to improve your family’s health. Videos are such a great way to learn! And each of the videos will be available to watch for 48 hours, starting the days scheduled.
Photo Credit: Silhouettes by Beverly Goodwin via Flickr, cropped and adapted by Wellness and Workouts.
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